Büyük Çamlıca is
another grove that proves Üsküdar district is rich in terms of symbolic
locations in Istanbul. Although the word 'büyük' in its name means major and
'küçük' in Küçük Çamlıca's name means minor, Büyük Çamlıca is less in area but
that does not mean that it is less in popularity.
It's bosphorus front provides
the visitors a great panoramic view that covers almost all the silhouette of
Istanbul. This feature led the park to receive a great amount of visitors
throughout the history and led to be mentioned in numerous poems. With this
popularity it is possible to say that even without tourists, the park becomes
highly crowded on weekends.
Therefore it might be a good idea to write it down
on the list of the places to go on weekdays.